Butter/Margarine to Oil Conversion Guidelines
Here is simple conversion guidelines to help you continue to expand your use of Olive Tap 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil instead of Saturated Fats or Hydrogenated Fats.
Butter/Margarine = Olive Oil
1 teaspoon = 3/4 teaspoon
1 Tablespoon = 2 1/4 teaspoons
2 Tablespoons = 1 1/2 Tablespoons
1/4 Cup = 3 Tablespoons
1/3 Cup = 1/4 Cup
1/2 Cup = 1/4 Cup + 2 Tablespoons
2/3 Cup = 1/2 Cup
3/4 Cup = 1/2 Cup + 1 Tablespoon
1 Cup = 3/4 Cup
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