Quick and Easy Homemade Mayonnaise
Have you ever made your own mayonnaise? It's super easy and delicious, and so much better for you than store bought! This recipe uses The Olive Tap's Avocado Oil. You don't want anything too bold as it will effect the true taste of the mayonnaise.
- 2 large egg yolks
- 1 T. lemon juice
- 1/2 t. Sea Salt
- 1/2 t. smooth Dijon mustard
- 3/4 C. Avocado Oil
In a wide mouthed mason jar or comparably sized container, add the ingredients in the order listed above. Let it set for a moment to make sure the egg yolk is settled at the bottom.
Place an immersion blender fully at the bottom of the container and start slowly pulsing the mixture. Within a few seconds, you will see mayonnaise start to form at the bottom of the jar. Slowly move the blender up and down to finish forming the mayonnaise. The whole process should take no more than a minute.
Scrape the sides of the jar and cover with a lid. Place in the refrigerator and use within one week.
An Olive Tap Recipe Adaptation from Jennie’s Kitchen